Thelesperma filifolium var. filifolium
This winter annual, or short-lived perennial, is often found growing in colonies. Its slender, branched stems, 10-30 in. tall, bear leaves divided into thread-like segments. In bud, the flower heads droop; when fully opened, they are erect and upright. The yellow, daisy-like flowers occur on delicate, leafless stalks.Stiff Greenthread’s bloom period is often shortened by […]
Yucca rupicola
Texas yucca or twisted-leaf yucca foliage stays under 2 ft. tall, is edged with white or red. New leaves are straight but become twisted with age. Flowering stalks often over 5 feet tall, bearing a cluster of bell-shaped, white flowers with petals up to 2 1/2 inches long and an inch wide, appearing from April […]
Vernonia lindheimeri
Woolly ironweed is a 10-30 in. high clump of gray-woolly stems and leaves. Flowers lack petals, but numerous lavender to purple disc flowers are arranged in showy, terminal clusters.Not a rampant colonizer like some other members of this genus. Well behaved species.This species is named after Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer (1801-1879) who is often called the […]
Vernonia baldwinii
Western ironweed’s 3-5 ft. stems occur singly or in clumps, and are stout and hairy. Wide clusters of vibrant, red-violet flowers form at the ends of short branches near the top of the plant. Because the flowers are all of the disc variety, the 6 in. wide flower cluster has a fuzzy appearance. Long, lance-shaped […]
Phlox drummondii
A much-branched, sticky-glandular plant with bright rose-red, pink, or white flowers in tight clusters at the ends of stems. Annual phlox or Drummonds Phlox is a showy annual. Usually 6-12 in. tall, this phlox can reach 20 in. in height. Its flowers, usually with a pale center, range in color from pink to red, white, […]
Penstemon triflorus
Penstemon triflorus is 1 1/2-2 ft. tall. Its brilliant red flowers, 2 in. long, are among the most showy of the genus. Pairs of dark-green leaves occur opposite eachother along the stem. The two-lipped flowers also occur in pairs.Small bushy stature, intense red color, and largeness of flowers set this penstemon apart from others.
Passiflora tenuiloba
A vine with tendrils in leaf axils and bizarre, greenish flowers.Unlike this species, which has evolutionarily lost its petals, most Passiflora have 10 petal-like parts; the common name passionflower relates to the resemblance of these flower parts to aspects of the Crucifixion story. The 10 petal-like parts represent the disciples, excluding Peter and Judas; the […]
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
A woody, dedicuous vine, Virginia Creeper can be high-climbing or trailing, 3-40 ft.; the structure on which it climbs is the limiting factor. Virginia Creeper climbs by means of tendrils with discs that fasten onto bark or rock. Its leaves, with 5 leaflets, occasionally 3 or 7, radiating from the tip of the petiole, coarsely […]
Passiflora lutea
This climbing or trailing vine grows to about 15 ft. in length. The greenish-yellow flowers, an inch across, give way to purple or black berries. Wide, shallowly lobed leaves with entire margins turn an attractive yellow in fall.This is a major food plant for several species of butterfly larvae. The pollen of this species is […]
Pavonia lasiopetala
A small shrub, usually woody at the base only, with stems up to 4 feet tall. Found in shallow soil on limestone, in rocky places in woodlands, and at the edges of thickets. Leaves with petioles sometimes as long as the blade; blade up to 2 1/2 inches long, but mostly shorter, ovate to 3 […]