Parthenocissus heptaphylla
Resembling Virginia Creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) but much less common, limited to the Edwards Plateau and Lampasas Cut Plain of Central Texas, where it is endemic; tendrils without discs, leaflets narrower, thicker, and shorter than in Virginia Creeper, up to 2 1/2 inches long, and turning color later in the fall. Leaflets usually 7 in number, […]
Parthenocissus quinquefolia
A woody, dedicuous vine, Virginia Creeper can be high-climbing or trailing, 3-40 ft.; the structure on which it climbs is the limiting factor. Virginia Creeper climbs by means of tendrils with discs that fasten onto bark or rock. Its leaves, with 5 leaflets, occasionally 3 or 7, radiating from the tip of the petiole, coarsely […]
Ilex vomitoria
Native from southern Virginia south to Florida and west to southeast Oklahoma and central Texas, Yaupon is a picturesque, upright, single- or multi-trunked shrub or small tree, growing 12-45 ft high but usually no higher than 25 ft. Female plants produce prodigious amounts of bright red, persistent berries. The leaves are dark green and small, […]
Juniperus virginiana
Evergreen, aromatic tree with trunk often angled and buttressed at base and narrow, compact, columnar crown; sometimes becoming broad and irregular. Pyramidal when young, Eastern Red Cedar mature form is quite variable. This evergreen usually grows 30-40 ft. but can reach 90 ft. Fragrant, scale-like foliage can be coarse or fine-cut, and varies in color […]
Lobelia cardinalis
This 1-6 ft. perennial has showy, red flowers in 8 in., terminal spikes. Each flower has three spreading lower petals and two upper petals, all united into a tube at the base. Erect leafy stems, often in clusters, with racemes of flowers resembling flaming red spires. The lower portion of the erect stem is lined […]
Coreopsis lanceolata
Lance-leaf tickseed grows in small clumps but forms extensive colonies. It is 1-2 feet tall and has leaves 3-4 inches long, opposite, sometimes alternate near the top where the leaves are fewer. Some of the leaves are deeply cut, almost forming 3 leaflets. Flower heads are yellow, 1-1 1/2 inches across. The yellow center or […]