Vernonia lindheimeri
Woolly ironweed is a 10-30 in. high clump of gray-woolly stems and leaves. Flowers lack petals, but numerous lavender to purple disc flowers are arranged in showy, terminal clusters.Not a rampant colonizer like some other members of this genus. Well behaved species.This species is named after Ferdinand Jacob Lindheimer (1801-1879) who is often called the […]
Phlox drummondii
A much-branched, sticky-glandular plant with bright rose-red, pink, or white flowers in tight clusters at the ends of stems. Annual phlox or Drummonds Phlox is a showy annual. Usually 6-12 in. tall, this phlox can reach 20 in. in height. Its flowers, usually with a pale center, range in color from pink to red, white, […]
Phacelia congesta
Caterpillars or blue curls is a leafy annual or biennial which grows 1-3 ft. tall. Its purple to lavender-blue, bell-shaped flowers, deeply lobed at the rim, have conspicuously protruding stamens. The flowers are numerous, in slender, coiled clusters which uncurl as the buds develop. Leaves are soft and deeply cut, appearing ragged-looking. The plant is […]
Nolina texana
Texas Bear-grass is a 1 1/2-2 1/2 ft. perennial with large, woody, basal stems growing in a clump. Leaves evergreen, firm textured, long, thin, up to 4 feet long by 3/16 inch wide, forming a thick clump. The roundish leaves often have tiny widely-spaced teeth along portions of the margins. Flowers small, usually white to […]
Passiflora tenuiloba
A vine with tendrils in leaf axils and bizarre, greenish flowers.Unlike this species, which has evolutionarily lost its petals, most Passiflora have 10 petal-like parts; the common name passionflower relates to the resemblance of these flower parts to aspects of the Crucifixion story. The 10 petal-like parts represent the disciples, excluding Peter and Judas; the […]
Passiflora lutea
This climbing or trailing vine grows to about 15 ft. in length. The greenish-yellow flowers, an inch across, give way to purple or black berries. Wide, shallowly lobed leaves with entire margins turn an attractive yellow in fall.This is a major food plant for several species of butterfly larvae. The pollen of this species is […]
Passiflora incarnata
Purple Passion-flower is an herbaceous vine, up to 25 ft. long, that climbs with axillary tendrils or sprawls along the ground. Intricate, 3 in., lavender flower are short-stalked from leaf axils. The petals and sepals subtend a fringe of wavy or crimped, hair-like segments. The pistil and stamens are also showy. Three-lobed, deciduous leaves are […]
Lupinus texensis
Texas Lupine has larger, more sharply pointed leaves and more numerous flower heads than similar lupines. Light-green, velvety, palmately compound leaves (usually five leaflets) are borne from branching, 6-18 in. stems.These stems are topped by clusters of up to 50 fragrant, blue, pea-like flowers. The tip of the cluster is conspicuously white.This is the species […]
Lonicera albiflora
Usually a 4 ft. deciduous shrub, the long, graceful, sometimes twining branches of white honeysuckle can reach 10 ft. in height. Leaves paired, broadly oval, up to 2 3/4 inches long by 1 3/4 inches wide but usually half these dimensions, rounded at the tip, with a minute point, smooth margins, and rounded or tapered […]
Leucophyllum frutescens
A gray shrub with leaves densely covered with stellate, silvery hairs and bright pink-lavender, bilaterally symmetrical flowers borne singly in crowded leaf axils. Typically a compact shrub, 2-5 ft. tall, Texas Barometer Bush or Cenizo occasionally reaches 10 ft. in height, and 4-6 ft. in width. Leaves silvery gray to greenish, soft to the touch, […]